Techno Aliens

This is a story of two aliens. One alien was manly and liked to be in charge. The other was clumsy and childish. They were sent to Earth because their kind weren’t happy. So the two aliens went to Earth to find the good news. It all began on their trip to Earth but Zit (the clumsy one) bumped Zock (the manly one) and he hit the controls. All of a sudden the ship zoomed forward into the asteroid belt and hit an asteroid. They were lost in the asteroid belt. 3 years had passed since they got stuck on the asteroid. Suddenly they entered the Earth’s atmosphere. They crashed into a farm. Zit thought that cows had the good news. He tried to get the cows but the cows ran away from him. Tommy Brown (the farmer son) came out to see his pet calf but he saw Zit chasing his calf so he got a spade and chased Zit who was still chasing the calf. Tommy hit Zit on the head and Zit fell down on the grass. Tommy told Zit to stop chasing his calf. Then Zock told Tommy their story. Tommy took Zit and Zock inside his house. After they got inside Tommy took Zit and Zock to his mum. Zock and Mrs. brown were sitting in the dining room. Zit was playing with Tommy in his room. Mrs. brown asked Zock if he could change into human form he said yes I can. That very moment Tommy asked Zit if he could change into human form he said yes I can.  So they went up to the attic Zit picked up a vase Tommy told Zit to put it down but Zit dropped it. So the boys went back to play in Tommy’s room. At 3:30 pm Jane brown (Tommy’s sister) came home. She saw Zock (in human form) and fell in love with Zock and he fell in love with Jane. At 5: 30 when Zock and Jane finished loving. Zit and Tommy had finished playing. When Mr brown came home, he asked Mrs Brown about Zit and Zock she said they are Tommy’s new friends. So the next day At 8 an antique collector came and asked Mrs Brown to show him the antiques in the attic. When they got to the attic Mrs Brown saw the smashed vase and call up Tommy and Zit apologised but the antique collector said, “it was a copy but ever thing use was not.” So Zit, Zock and Tommy brang the space ship in to the barn and started to fix it. But Tommy was only 5 so he could only past the tools. Mrs Brown cleaned up the smashed vase.3 hours later Mrs Brown asked Tommy to walk the 6 puppies on the farm. Then Tommy asked Zit and Zock to come too. Zock needed to fix up the ship but Zit went along and Zock told Zit to keep in touch by the talkies. ½ an hour where Zit and Tommy started to walk the puppies. Zit let go of the rope and the puppies started to run away. So, Zit told Zock to abduct the puppies. When he got all of them they went back to the house. Someone saw Zit, Zock, Tommy and the space ship and told his boss. When they got inside Mrs Brown asked Zit and Zock. “Why are you two staying?  You can go.” Zock replied, “We need the good news to go back with” ”you mean the bible,” said Mrs Brown “is this bible good?” asked Zit “yes it is, and we have bibles you can have.” replied Tommy. So Zit, Zock, Tommy and Mrs Brown put Zit’s and Zock‘s things and bibles in the space ship and took off then Jane came home “who has left” asked Jane “Zit and Zock “replied Tommy “where” “back to were they came from.” said Mrs Brown “Were they aliens?” asked Jane “yes” said Tommy. At b.o.b.(bad object buyers) the big bad boss said” we need a plan because we have no money ZERO,ZILT,NADA…” ”is that why we are called b.o.b.?” said agent IV “yes…!” the big bad boss said “we have aliens in the atmosphere sir.” said agent “good my next plan is we boom the alien’s space ship ha ha ! go do it now!” the big bad boss said “ 10 seconds to fire the g.m.b.s (gooey missiles from b.o.b) said agent III “fire!” the big bad boss said  On Zit,s and Zock,s ship Zit said “we have some missiles Following us” “ok. I will fire some booms at it” So they Fired the booms at the g.m.b.s But the g.m.b.s Fired some g.b.s (gooey bullets) and got them. They got taking to b.o.b. agent I and agent II Took zit and zock to the l.d.c.s (lie detector chairs) and squeezed them in. then BBB questioned them. Zit and Zock told the truth and there story. They send a SOS “we are coming” they send back “the aliens are lame. We will take over the world with caramel Ha ha ha ha!” said BBB “with the aliens’ ship” At the browns Tommy, Jane, Mrs Brown and Mr Brown went to save zit and zock. At bob agent VI and VII heard a noise and but don’t see the browns go way they went through the air vents to floor bay 5AA they saved Zit and Zock and took there ship home and went back to there planet. 
The end


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