Techno Aliens 2 Part 6

Come out of the house with your hands in the air” lells the B.O.B.'s Big Bad Boss (who its all that bad just thinks he is) into a megaphone on the top of a tank that was following the van with 2 more army like cars “this is the USA army” then a voice (belonging to Mr Bown) tells back “hey smartass, this is not the USA!” (then Mr Brown tells the ailens to get their ship and land on one of their cars) then the Big Bad Boss ( I am getting tried just saying his name, The Big Bad Boss who has the time for that . I will change it to BBB how about that) lells over his mega phone “Well the german army” “Not 1940 mate” calls out Tommy
How about the rusnan army” lells bbb into his mega phone “hey the guy in the tank, are you lost?” calls out Mrs Brown “We are in New Zealand” says a B.O.B agent to bbb
“oh” he says then in his mega phone “The New Zealand army then!” “who don’t arrest aliens” points out Jane just then the aliens ship lands on one of the army cars and every one in that car jumps out, then BBB lells in his mega phone this is B.O.B and we rule this city” “ one” starts zit form in the ship this is not a song and two you don’t rule this city”


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