Techno Aliens 2 Part 5
“So” started Zock “What has been going on since last time well other then sent the news of the good news all over the galaxy, We “the Technos” are a war with the Crocusions, they are tall 4 leged ailens with vine like arms” Tommy relpys saying “well what for?” Zit says “Went the Crocusions got the good news they speedy spread the good news, then they think the should look after earth as the good news comes from here but we said that earth well not want them to. “Then We will kill them” the Crocusions say so we try and stop them and thats when the war starts” Then Mr Brown Says “that sounds like the crusades, where Catholics go to the holy land to take it back from the Muslims” Just as the browns and the ailens sit around a table, a van rolls up the drive way...
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