Techno Aliens 2 Part 7

“Well we came out, what do you want?” Asked Zock from inside the ship on top of the car. “What do I want” answered BBB. Getting out of the tank “to rule the world, as most bad guys do. Woe!” as BBB nearly slips “don’t hurt yourself” says Zit jokingly “Quiet you” says BBB “So what you want” asks Zock again “what do I want , well to rule the world. But I cant do that when there are aliens fighting one another” says BBB as he paces “a I want the aliens tech but with them at war I cant find any.” “its not that bad” comfits Zit “well tell that to the man that is you father, he calls me everyday after this war hit. Now as the oldest of 7 children. You have to take over your fathers job” as BBB starts to cry “then my children take over and so on. “so your oldest son will be the next Boss of B.O.B.” asks zit “Yes, and just as my agents do the same” replays BBB Just then a phone rings...


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